CLEE Fall Meeting 2024

Rhode Island November 7-8, 2024


Join us in Rhode Island November 7-8, 2024 for CLEE Fall Meeting!

This will be an opportunity to (re)connect with educators from across the country as we explore what leading for equity looks like in our current world. 

We will:

  • Learn and use facilitative leadership tools and protocols to make improvements for equity

  • Share our collective learning and expertise on leveraging adult learning and collaboration to reach our vision of equity

  • Connect with a larger community who is in this work together

We will practice the heart, hand, and mind work together for two full days through tools and protocols to increase equitable outcomes for each and every student. A majority of our time will be spent in small groups that model a learning community and there will also be time for SRI/CLEE community members to present topic-based workshops.

Thursday - November 7, 2024 - 9am-5pm

  • Breakfast Provided

  • Opening & Keynote

  • Lunch Provided

  • Small Groups

Friday November 8, 2024 - 9am-5pm

  • Breakfast Provided

  • Small Groups

  • Lunch Provided

  • Workshops

  • Closing

Small Groups
Participants will spend a majority of their time giving and receiving feedback and sharing dilemmas and facilitating tools in small groups that model a Community of Practice (or you may know it as a Professional Learning Community or Or Reflective Learning Community, etc.).

We will also spend time sharing our practices, tools, and learning in topic-based workshops presented by the CLEE Community, and that includes you!

Keynote - Lorén Spears
An Indigenous perspective on Leading for Equity in a Changing World

Lorén M. Spears, enrolled Narragansett Tribal citizen and Executive Director of Tomaquag Museum, holds a Master’s in Education and received a Doctor of Humane Letters, honoris causa, from the University of Rhode Island for her dedicated work. She is an author, artist, and through the museum shares her cultural knowledge.

Registration Fees
$690 - Early Bird and Group Registration 
$790 - Individual Registrations after September 30, 2024.

Contact to register a group of 3 or more.


Home Group Co-Facilitators
Do you have facilitative leadership or planning for Adult Learning experience? Fall Meeting Home Groups will have an opportunity for you to co-facilitate with a CLEE Facilitator. It will be an appreciated service to the community and opportunity for reciprocal learning!


  • You will be supplied with a common agenda, so there is no need to create an agenda.

  • You will be paired with a CLEE Facilitator

  • Pre-planning time with your co-facilitator will be about 3 hours total (3 1-hour video calls with your co-facilitator)

  • There will be optional daily debriefs on-site

  • Time in Home Groups on site is 5.5 hours

  • You will get a $250 registration fee-reduction code to use when you register

Priority Application Deadline August 1, 2024

Workshop Presenters
Are you using collaborative tools and practices in exciting ways that you’d like to share or want to host a dialogue around a common dilemma? We invite you to offer a 60-minute Workshop at the Fall Meeting! It will be an opportunity to share new skills, dive deep, and explore new ideas in a collaborative setting.


  • You will need to create and facilitate an agenda for a 60-minute interactive, highly engaging adult learning workshop on a topic that is aligned with the outcomes of Fall Meeting

  • Copies and A/V services are available

  • On-site workshop time is 60 minutes

  • You will get a $250 registration fee-reduction code to use when you register

Priority Deadline August 1, 2024

Fall Meeting Ambassadors
You can be a cheerleader for the Fall Meeting! Partner with CLEE to promote Fall Meeting in your networks.


  • Very flexible commitment - anything from reposting social media to partnering with us to send a custom message to your community. 

  • We’ll make it very easy to connect with colleagues in your networks.

  • You will get a sense of supporting your colleagues and Chris Jones's appreciation forever.

Dr. Jonathan Ponds Fall Meeting Scholarships
In honor of our inspiring colleague, Dr. Jonathon Ponds, CLEE will award scholarships to cover registration fees to lower the cost barrier for attendees as needed. We have 10 full scholarships ($690) and 20 half scholarships ($345) available. We are unable to provide any travel or lodging support.

Please apply if cost is a barrier to attend Fall Meeting. We especially want you to apply for a scholarship if you are paying for yourself, an early career professional, in a teacher or principal preparation program, a graduate student, qualify for a federal entitlement program, and/or are a K-12 student.

Scholarships are limited. Please apply early.

Learn more about Dr. Jonathan Pond’s life’s work

Fall Meeting Sponsorship
Sponsors of Fall Meeting will reach a national audience of educators, decision-makers, and community builders. The initial audience is 150+ attendees, then our network of 10,000+ educators, and finally our audience of 20,000+ monthly visitors to our website and social media.

Hotel Info
Crowne Plaza Providence-Warwick (Airport)
801 Greenwich Avenue
Warwick, Rhode Island 02886

Room Rate - $139/night
Book Online or call 401.732.6000 and use code CLE to book your rooms.


  • Fly into Rhode Island T. F. Green International Airport (PVD)

  • Free airport shuttle to the hotel

  • Free Parking

Fall Meeting Sponsors: