At the Center for Leadership & Educational Equity (CLEE), we’re not just offering professional development to educators — we’re revolutionizing the way leaders engage with education. Our methods have shown significant results, particularly in enhancing the learning experience for underserved student communities
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Research and literature about CLEE’s evidence-based programs:
CLEE’s research demonstrates that when CLEE-trained leaders implement the Core Leadership Practices (CLP), equity increases in student learning. The more a school implements the CLPs, the greater their increases in learning outcomes and educational equity. Bottom line, shared leadership focused on continuous improvement increases equitable outcomes for students.
Improvement Science as a Tool for School Enhancement: Solutions for Better Educational Outcomes
Centering Equity and Starting Small to Transform School Climate
Center for Leadership and Educational Equity
Monitoring What we Value: Center for Leadership and Educational Equity Program Outcomes
Exploring Meaningful and Sustainable Intentional Learning Communities for P-20 Educators
Overcoming Barriers to Equity Through Intentional Learning Communities