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The Paul Cuffee School (PCS) is a K-12 maritime-themed public charter school in Providence, RI. PCS used CLEE’s strategic planning services to identify key goals, priorities, measurable outcomes, timeframes, and action steps that guide and inspire the PCS community into new ways to live their mission, vision, and goals.

CLEE provided facilitators who were committed to inclusive processes throughout the strategic planning timeframe. The ongoing success of our strategic planning implementation phases can be attributed to the dedication and hard work of a diverse community of stakeholders.

The investment of community members across the district is remarkable and enduring. You can see and hear evidence of the plan living in classrooms, at Board meetings, at committee meetings, and in conversations with the school community and extended community. These groups connect with one another through the direction set by the 2021-2026 Strategic Plan goals and priorities.

As a result, this sense of community authorship has led to broad commitment in delivering on our promise, which is to unleash the full potential of every student.

– Christopher Haskins, Head of School, the Paul Cuffee School

We would love to have a conversation about your goals, dilemmas, and questions. There is always a tension between where we are and where we want to be. That can be a creative tension to help inform and push you toward your goals. It is never too early to plan for the future, and the 2024-25 school year is fast-approaching.

Contact Michelle Li for a Custom Consultation