To share successes and to analyze why those successes occurred. Your team will see and feel the assets they bring to these challenging times, as well as dig deep to analyze the key practices that underlie their successes.
To share successes and to analyze why those successes occurred. Your team will see and feel the assets they bring to these challenging times, as well as dig deep to analyze the key practices that underlie their successes.
You may know this as Reflective Learning Communities, Teacher Leader Training, Critical Friendship, Foundations in Facilitative Leadership, PLC Coach/Facilitator Training.
You may know this as one-on-one Coaching or Transformational Coaching.
You may know this as Cycles of Improvement, Plan, Do Study, Act (PDSA) Cycles, or Data-Driven Improvement.
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P.O Box 9259 Providence, RI 02940
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