CLEE’s Open Sessions 2023-2024


As learners, our pathway to improving our educational practice can be as varied and unique as our passions and purpose as educators.  CLEE strives to support you at every point along your unique pathway by sharing resources and learning opportunities to match your needs and goals. CLEE is currently offering 3 open learning sessions that can benefit everyone, regardless of where they are on their pathway. All are virtual sessions open to any educator.


Page to Practice: Spark New Ideas for Educational Improvement 
CLEE’s Page to Practice series are virtual text-based discussions where we will read a common text and use a protocol as a learning community to discuss it. Think of it as a book club with brilliant colleagues from across the country. These sessions are for anyone open to learning with colleagues. We will also reflect on facilitation moves to support the group’s learning.

CLEE Community of Practice (CoP): Get Feedback from Peers
Gather with a community of colleagues in a convenient virtual setting and learn from peers from across the country sharing their stories, feedback, dilemmas,  and expertise. No matter where you are in your pathway, you can always learn more from colleagues and gain insight from feedback. Our best practices are best when shared!