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Virtual Leading Collaboration for Equity Sessions
CLEE Virtual Equity Series Survey
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Which sessions are you most interested in attending?
Session Interest
Please choose up to your top 3 choices for 90-minute no-cost virtual sessions that could be offered by CLEE.
Questioning as a Tool to Interrupt Bias
- In this dynamic, interactive experience you will learn frameworks and techniques to engage yourself and others in examining beliefs and values that drive behavior. We will explore using questioning as a tool to interrupt bias while staying engaged in a process of transformation.
Integrating Equity-Centered Data Routines into Adult Collaboration
- In this session, participants will engage in data conversations that open up possibilities and question assumptions rather than reinforce stereotypes. It is a critical equity practice to use data processes that engage multiple stakeholders. The process will help us understand all that the data may reveal before moving toward a collective understanding and plans to take action to increase equity.
Analyzing Student Work to Drive Improvement
- in the Instructional Core In this session, participants will engage in structured dialogue around student work in order to refine adult instructional practices to increase equity in the classroom. Analyzing student work is a practice that helps educators dig more deeply into what is happening in the instructional core.
Giving and Receiving Feedback in a Professional Learning Community
- In this session, participants will learn tools, strategies, and mindsets to foster a culture of giving and receiving feedback that helps us think more expansively about our most pressing problems of practice. Giving and receiving feedback is at the core of transformative learning. In doing so, we strengthen our professional culture and practices to address inequities.
Learning From Texts with Colleagues
- Have you ever read a chapter that jolted you to change your practice or an article that seemed written directly for your current dilemma? Did you find yourself wanting to unpack the ideas with colleagues? In this session, participants will read a common text (TBD) and use a protocol as a learning community to discuss it. Think of it as a book club with brilliant colleagues from across the country. We will also reflect on facilitation moves to support the group’s learning.
Transformative Moments/Critical Incident Protocol
- How can we lead from a place where we are deeply connected to our why and realm of influence? How do we learn from transformative moments/critical incidents that happen in our professional practice and continue to grow as equity-centered educators and leaders? In this session, participants will learn the realms of influence framework to strengthen our individual and collective resilience and engage in a protocol for collaboratively examining transformative moments/critical incidents.
- add your ideas below
Other Session Ideas
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Professional Development Goals/Needs
What are your top goals or needs for professional development or support in your setting?
Session Times
What are the best start times for you for a 90-minute session?
Please select all times that work for you
12pm Eastern/11am Central/10am Mountain/9am Pacific
1pm Eastern/12pm Central/11am Mountain/10am Pacific
2pm Eastern/1pm Central/12pm Mountain/11am Pacific
3pm Eastern/2pm Central/1pm Mountain/12pm Pacific
4pm Eastern/3pm Central/2pm Mountain/1pm Pacific
What is the best day of the week for you to attend a 90-minute session?
Please select all days that work for you
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